Monday, September 29, 2008

San Lucas Tolimon Mission School

The mission at San Lucas Toliman has a mission school. We didn't work in the school, but were given a tour of the facility and had the opportunity to speak with the principal, and some of teachers.

The school is located behind the church, and was much larger than I expected. The schools we have visited previously, were generally much smaller, went to 6th grade and usually have combined grades in just a few rooms. One of the schools we visited in Zacapa, held classes outside, because they have too many children for the classroom.
The mission school has separate classes for each grade, and includes a pre-school. Usually, only a few select (very wealthy) children go to a pre-k program.

The mission school, also has a library! The family of Daniel Mauser, one of the victims of the Columbine shooting, donated the money for the library. The library has his photo and a small shrine for him, and is named after him. His family has worked hard to spread his story, and make it so his death was not in vane. You can learn more about Daniel and the work of his family at or

We spent a very long time speaking to the pre-k teacher. She has a neat program in which she teaches the children about personal responsibility. She has a piggy bank for each of the children and teaches them to save money. At the end of the year the kids get to see how saving just a little money over time adds up to a lot of money.

An interesting part of the program has the children cleaning the classroom after school. Two children from every class have to stay late and clean the class. They empty the trash, put up all of the chairs, sweep and mop the classroom. I think its a great lesson in personal responsibility, and respecting the school's property. Unfortunately, we don't always see that kind of respect or responsibility out of children in our country.

The school also included an number of "extra" programs. They have gym class for all grades, music and art.